songs about jane

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

help stop child pornography!!!!

okay.listen up people.the thought of a child being abused for some super sick porno freak pisses the hell out of me.everyday one child is added on to the list of some idiotic child porno website.just imagine.the hurt.the never ending pain.childhood shouldn't be this sick and it shouldn't hurt to be a kid.they don't need the money. just light a candle and give them something to hold on to.spread the word.this website is aiming to reach a million candles to be your part.something so small makes a HUGE difference.please visit and light a candle.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

come o wave

wednesday, 170506

come o wave, and gently wash my feet
make me tingle and take away the heat

come o wave come crashing to the rocks
make me reflect on all the things not lost

come o wave and bring the wind with you
touch my hair like fingers do

come o wave and make music to my ear
make me forget the whole meaning of fear

come o wave and catch my blowing kisses
send them please to the one i hold dearest

come o wave for the last today
come o wave take the pain away

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

check it out!